" I would like to say a special word of thanks to the president of Indonesia, President Yudhoyono, because of his courage and vision and leadership on the issue of climate change."
-Al Gore , Peraih Nobel Perdamaian 2007
" Cara pemikiran Presiden Yudhoyono dengan konsep soft power dan mengutamakan kepemimpinan dengan hati menjadi sebuah kekuatan untuk mempengaruhi dunia."
-Richard Greene, penulis buku Word That Shook The World
" Your steadfast support of Timor-Leste's Accession to ASEAN has been heartwarming to Timorese people. This cooperation between our nation an ASEAN displays our constructive relationship and common goals for an inclusive Southeast Asia."
-Jose Ramos Horta, Presiden Timor Leste
" Saya sering mengkritik presiden SBY, semua orang membaca kritikan saya kepada Presiden . Tapi Presiden tidak pernah marah ."
-Mahfud MD, Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi